Our Mission:

Our Men of Integrity group was founded as a safe place for men to come together to find freedom from Pornography. We are called to carry each others burdens in hopes that we would strive to live a pure and righteous life in Christ.

We currently run two groups each year that start in February and July. Our groups are held 30 minutes from Columbus, Ohio. If you have interest in joining please contact us and leave your information!

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ” - Galatians 6:2

My Story: Restored in Jesus

Pornography has become widespread across the world and is destroying marriages at an alarming rate. Pornography promises an instant gratification to our flesh but leaves us feeling shame, anger, defeat. You may feel like there is no hope for you. You may feel like there is no escape from this addiction that has you bound in chains.

Freedom can be found in Jesus Christ.

My name is Aaron Fielder. Jesus has restored me from an 18 year pornography addiction that was tearing my family apart and leading me down a deep road of depression where it almost took my life. Fully surrendering my life to Jesus was the best decision I have ever made. Here is the story of how Jesus took on my battle and fully restored me.

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Contact Us

Feel free to reach out! We would love to join with you in prayer, hear your testimony on how God is moving in your life, and walk with you on the battlefield.

You can also subscribe to our newsletter for upcoming events, updates, and information!